Southeast and Deep South Trees and Shrubs

Acer rubrum , variety: drummondii, is better known as Southern Swamp Maple or Drummond Red Maple. This beautiful Maple is distinguished from the other varieties of red maple by the velvety underside of it's leaves. By 25 years it is only about 35 feet tall, but it can reach 60 to 90 feet in ensuing years.

Aesculus pavia is a lovely under story tree, usually growing eight to ten feet tall, but as much as twenty. Aesculus pavia is better known as Scarlet Buckeye and its scarlet flowers are a major draw for hummingbirds, especially since they bloom so early in the spring, but be aware, the nuts are poisonous.

Betula nigra or River Birch can be found growing 50 to 90 feet tall, but usually remains much smaller, closer to 40 or 50 feet. It blooms early in the Spring and fruits in the late Spring or early summer, sending it's little winged seed onto the wind. In the cone these fruits are excellent bird food.

Callicarpa americana is a modest bush of about four to six feet that produces bright purple berries on which birds will feed. Beautyberry's lilac flowers appear in the spring and it does best in dappled shade.

Catalpa bignonioides is a medium-size tree found growing throughout the Southeast and much of the midwest. It usually goes simply by the name Catalpa and produces drooping, white flowers in the spring. Catalpa grows 25 to 50 feet tall.

Cephalanthus occidentalis is commonly called Buttonbush for good reason. It's white, little ball-like flowers do indeed resemble buttons. They bloom in they late summer to early fall. Cephalanthus occidentalis grows up to six feet tall and is favored by many songbirds as a nesting site.