Great Plains and Midwest Plants for Your Rain Garden
Andropogon gerardi
is a tall prairie grass known as Big Bluestem. Bluestem blooms in early summer and grows three to four feet tall. This lovely prairie grass is also known as turkey-foot grass for the three branches of seeds that top it. Also consider the smaller Little Blue Stem,
Andropogon scoparius.
Thelypteris palustris
was also recommended for the Southeast and Southern Florida area. This beautiful fern is better known as Marsh Fern. Oddly enough Thelypteris palustris enjoys sunny areas, unlike its shade dwelling cousin ferns, and grows to about 2 feet tall.
Calamagrostis canadensis
is a midwest plant more commonly known as Canada Bluejoint or Reedgrass, or Meadow Pinegrass. Bluejoint boasts colorfull purplish seedheads and serves well as cattle fodder. Calamagrostis canadensis can grow to six feet tall and enjoys full sun to some shade.
Carex comosa is a midwest wetland plant better known as Bottlebrush Sedge or Bristly Sedge. This third member of the
boasts long, bristly seedheads, thus its second name. It has new shoots that will sometimes appear in fall or winter and prefers bogs.
Carex muskingumensis is a beautiful sedge better known as Palm Sedge. This is one of the midwest plants that comes in more than one form.
is the second. This is a variegated version with yellow strips at its edges. Palm Sedge grows as well in shady areas as it does in full sun and get's to about 2 feet tall with a 2 foot spread. Carex muskingumensis blooms in early summer.